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      • There are four options on the right toolbar that allow you to customize the picture position, transform, and color. To enable the layout toolbar, click on an image, and it'll appear on the top of the design editor.

        1. Fill Color

        Shape, image, and text are three objects that you can apply this fill option. The Fill Color helps users fill a solid color to the selected objects.

        Follow these steps to work with the tool:

        1. Drag your mouse to select the layer you want to fill color.
        2. Click on the Fill Color icon on the toolbar.
        3. Select a color from preset colors or enter a custom value by click on input Click to choose color.
        4. To save custom color just press the plus (+) button next to add.
        5. Transparent help you change the opacity of the filled color.
        6. Stroke width + Stroke color allow you to make the border color for the current layer.

        2. Arrange Layers

        Our editor works base on layers. Quickly arrange the selected object position either backward or forward.

        Follow steps to work with this tool:

        1. Chose the layer you want to change.
        2. Click on the Arrange Layers icon on the toolbar.
        3. Select Forward or Back action to change the object order.

        3. Position

        Whether you want to put it in the right corner or center. The Layer Position tool allows you to place the selected object in the correct position with one click.
        Switch the Lock object position to YES, if you want to continue design without affect the current object.

        Follow steps to work with this tool:

        1. Select the layer you want to move
        2. Click on the Position icon on the toolbar
        3. Choose the position you wish to move the layer to.

        4. Transforms Manual

        When using the transform tool directly, it is hard to know how many angles rotated or flipped. Our Editor provides a manual way to set transform values for a layer.

        Follow steps to work with the tool:

        1. Chose the layer you want to change.
        2. Click on the Transform icon on the toolbar.
        3. Adjust the values you want to set.
        4. The values you can set for the object as bellow:
        5. Rotate: the edge of an object. start from 0 – 360
        6. Skew X: skews layer along the X-axis by the given angle
        7. Skew Y: skews layer along the Y-axis by the given angle
        8. Flip X: Horizontal flip your layer
        9. Flip Y: Vertical flip your layer.
        Of course, you can cancel all applied values by press the Reset All Transform button.
      • With a text added to the design area. There are some options for it. To enable options, just mouse over to the selected text and see the top toolbar as show below:

        1. Font Family

        This option allows you to switch to another font family easily. To use more font, just press the Get More Fonts button.

        2. Font Advance

        This tool allows you to change the font-size, line-height even text content

        3. Text Effects

        There are four text effects on Lumise. Select a text and choose Text Effect icon to customize your text.

        4. Text Style

        These options help you change text style as bold, underline, italic, or text-align.
        With a text added to the design area. There are some options for it. To enable options, just mouse over to the selected text and see the top toolbar.
      • The left toolbar where you can add effects to your picture. To enable this toolbar, click on an image, and it'll appear on the top of the design editor.

        1. Crop Image

        The crop image feature allows you to crop the image with the exact position you put into the viewer.

        2. Image Mask

        Do you want to make text with complex background from another image? Yeah, try the Mask feature, make your text more awesome.

        3. Remove Background

        There's no need for Photoshop knowledge to remove the image background. Simply drag your mouse, and everything is settled.

        4. Image Filter Effects

        Instantly, make your image professional with 20+ filters which ready to use. This feature helps you make the image have a significant effect as a filter of the camera.
      • 1. Font Family

        This option allows you to switch to another font family easily. To use more font, just press the Get More Fonts button.

        2. Font Advance

        This tool allows you to change the font-size, line-height even text content

        3. Text Effects

        There are four text effects on our Design Tool. Select a text and choose Text Effect icon to customize your text.

        4. Text Style

        These options help you change text style as bold, underline, italic, or text-align.
      • ctrl+a Select all objects
        ctrl+d Double the activate object
        ctrl+e Clear all objects
        ctrl+s Save current stage to my design
        ctrl+o Open a file to import design
        ctrl+p Print
        ctrl++ Zoom out
        ctrl+- Zoom in
        ctrl+0 Reset zoom
        ctrl+z Undo changes
        ctrl+shift+z Redo changes
        ctrl+shift+s Download current design
        delete Delete the activate object
        Move the activate object to left
        Move the activate object to top
        Move the activate object to right
        Move the activate object to bottom
        shift+ Move the activate object to left 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to top 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to right 10px
        shift+ Move the activate object to bottom 10px
      • Copyright © 2021 Ministry Of Apparel.
        All Rights Reserved.

        Powered by Lumise version 2.0.4

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    Click or drop images here

      Click or drag to add text

      • Start designing by adding objects from the left side
      • All selected objects are grouped | Ungroup?
      • Group objects Group the position of selected objects
        • Fill options

          Save this color

        • Options
          • Automatically align the position of <br>the active object with other objects
          • ON: Keep all current objects and append the template into OFF: Clear all objects before installing the template
          • Replace the selected image object instead of creating a new one
        • Replace image
        • Crop
        • Mask
          • Select mask layer

        • Remove background
          • Remove background

          • Deep:

          • Mode:

        • Filters
          • Filters

            • Original
            • B&W
            • Satya
            • Doris
            • Sanna
            • Vintage
            • Gordon
            • Carl
            • Shaan
            • Tonny
            • Peter
            • Greg
            • Josh
            • Karen
            • Melissa
            • Salomon
            • Sophia
            • Adrian
            • Roxy
            • Singe
            • Borg
            • Ventura
            • Andy
            • Vivid
            • Purple
            • Thresh
            • Aqua
            • Edge wood
            • Aladin
            • Amber
            • Anne
            • Doug
            • Earl
            • Kevin
            • Polak
            • Stan

          • Brightness:

          • Saturation:

          • Contrast:

        • Clear Filters
        • Click then drag the mouse to start drawing. Ctrl+Z = undo, Ctrl+Shift+Z = redo
        • QRCode text
        • Fill options
          • Fill options

            Save this color

            • Transparent:

            • Stroke width:

            • Stroke color:

          • Ungroup position
          • Arrange layers
          • Position
            • Object position

              Lock object position:

            • Center vertical
            • Top left
            • Top center
            • Top right
            • Center Horizontal
            • Middle left
            • Middle center
            • Middle right
            • Press &leftarrow; &uparrow; &rightarrow; &downarrow; to move 1 px, <br>Hit simultaneously SHIFT key to move 10px
            • Bottom left
            • Bottom center
            • Bottom right
          • Transforms
            • Rotate:

            • Skew X:

            • Skew Y:

            • Flip X:
              Flip Y:

              Free transform by press SHIFT+⤡

          • Font family
          • Edit text
            • Edit text

            • Font size:

            • Letter spacing

            • Line height

          • Text Effects
            • Text effects

            • Radius

            • Spacing

            • Curve

            • Height

            • Offset

            • Trident

          • Text align
          • Uppercase / Lowercase
          • Font weight bold
          • Text style italic
          • Text underline
          Scroll to zoom